Swindon 0-0 Exeter

Last updated : 29 January 2011 By BBC Sport

Visiting goalkeeper Ben Hamer was at his best to keep out efforts from Ritchie and Jonathan Douglas.

Exeter struggled to create many opportunities, but were unlucky when Ryan Harley smashed a 22-yard free-kick against the crossbar.

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Saturday, 29 January 2011

Npower League One

Home Team


Away Team






(HT 0-0)








07?McGovern (Prutton 79)















02?Tully yellow card

03?Duffy (Archibald-Henville 88)






10?Nardiello yellow card

12?Cureton (Thomson 36)

29?O'Flynn (Logan 81)












Swindon 52%

Exeter 48%

Attempts on target

Swindon 3

Exeter 1

Attempts off target

Swindon 4

Exeter 3


Swindon 9

Exeter 5


Swindon 11

Exeter 11

Final Result

Full Time

90:00+3:32 The referee ends the match.

90:00+2:56 David Noble concedes a free kick for a foul on Alan O'Brien. Direct free kick taken by Alan Sheehan.

90:00+1:19 Matt Ritchie is ruled offside. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.

89:31 Booking Steve Tully goes into the referee's book.

87:50 Substitution Troy Archibald-Henville comes on in place of Richard Duffy.

82:35 The referee blows for offside. Phil Smith takes the free kick.

82:10 Foul by Richard Logan on Jonathan Douglas, free kick awarded. Scott Cuthbert takes the direct free kick.

80:10 Substitution (Exeter) makes a substitution, with Richard Logan coming on for John O'Flynn.

79:26 Ryan Harley challenges Scott Cuthbert unfairly and gives away a free kick. Jonathan Douglas takes the free kick.

78:15 Inswinging corner taken left-footed by Michael Timlin from the left by-line, clearance by Matthew Taylor.

78:15 Substitution David Prutton comes on in place of Jon-Paul McGovern.

75:12 Thomas Dossevi is flagged offside by the assistant referee. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.

74:32 Jon-Paul McGovern decides to take the corner short.

72:36 Matt Ritchie has an effort at goal from just inside the box that misses to the right of the target.

71:01 Headed effort from deep inside the penalty area by Thomas Dossevi misses to the right of the target.

69:47 Free kick awarded for a foul by David Noble on Matt Ritchie. The free kick is delivered right-footed by Jon-Paul McGovern

from right channel, clearance made by Matthew Taylor.

68:46 The referee blows for offside. Free kick taken by Kevin Amankwaah.

68:25 The referee blows for offside against Thomas Dossevi. Matthew Taylor takes the direct free kick.

67:36 Ryan Harley decides to take a short corner.

66:27 Matt Ritchie concedes a free kick for a foul on Richard Duffy. Ben Hamer takes the direct free kick.

65:22 Daniel Nardiello is ruled offside. Phil Smith restarts play with the free kick.

62:27 Ryan Harley decides to take the corner short.

61:44 Inswinging corner taken by Jon-Paul McGovern from the left by-line, Ben Hamer makes a save.

60:04 Free kick awarded for a foul by Jonathan Douglas on Jake Thomson. David Noble restarts play with the free kick.

54:14 Ryan Harley takes a inswinging corner from the right by-line played to the near post, clearance by Kevin Amankwaah.

53:46 Ryan Harley takes a shot. Blocked by Andy Frampton.

51:24 Matthew Taylor fouled by Matt Ritchie, the ref awards a free kick. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.

46:48 Jake Thomson gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Alan Sheehan. Andy Frampton takes the direct free kick.

45:27 Jon-Paul McGovern takes the outswinging corner, clearance by Richard Duffy.

45:01 The game restarts for the second half.

Correction - 45:00+4:28 The first half comes to an end.

Half Time

45:00+1:44 The half-time whistle blows.

45:00+0:46 Michael Timlin concedes a free kick for a foul on Liam Sercombe. Ryan Harley takes the direct free kick.

43:29 Unfair challenge on Daniel Nardiello by Andy Frampton results in a free kick. Ryan Harley shoots direct from the free kick,

42:35 Free kick awarded for a foul by Thomas Dossevi on David Noble. Richard Duffy takes the free kick.

41:38 Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Richard Duffy by Thomas Dossevi. Ben Hamer restarts play with the free kick.

40:26 Jake Thomson takes a shot from deep inside the box clearing the bar.

39:15 The offside flag is raised against Kevin Amankwaah. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.

38:50 Corner taken by Matt Ritchie from the left by-line, Matthew Taylor manages to make a clearance.

36:49 Corner taken left-footed by Matt Ritchie to the near post, clearance made by Matthew Taylor.

35:41 Substitution Jake Thomson is brought on as a substitute for Jamie Cureton.

34:41 The official flags Thomas Dossevi offside. Ben Hamer takes the direct free kick.

31:05 Matt Ritchie fouled by Liam Sercombe, the ref awards a free kick. Free kick taken by Phil Smith.

29:09 Unfair challenge on Matt Ritchie by Daniel Nardiello results in a free kick. Free kick taken by Phil Smith.

29:09 Booking Daniel Nardiello goes into the book.

27:55 Matt Ritchie challenges Richard Duffy unfairly and gives away a free kick. Richard Duffy restarts play with the free kick.

27:24 Thomas Dossevi is flagged offside by the assistant referee. Ben Hamer takes the direct free kick.

26:05 Free kick awarded for a foul by Ryan Harley on Jonathan Douglas. Phil Smith takes the direct free kick.

25:22 Michael Timlin has an effort from just inside the box that misses to the left of the goal.

24:41 Corner taken right-footed by Ryan Harley to the near post, Scott Cuthbert manages to make a clearance.

22:35 Outswinging corner taken left-footed by Matt Ritchie, Richard Duffy makes a clearance.

20:47 Liam Sercombe concedes a free kick for a foul on Thomas Dossevi. Direct free kick taken by Alan Sheehan.

18:25 Daniel Nardiello gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Jonathan Douglas. Phil Smith takes the direct free kick.

17:27 Jamie Cureton has a headed effort at goal from just inside the area that misses to the right of the goal.

16:41 John O'Flynn fouled by Alan Sheehan, the ref awards a free kick. Ben Hamer restarts play with the free kick.

14:45 Inswinging corner taken left-footed by Matt Ritchie played to the near post, Jonathan Douglas takes a shot. Ben Hamer makes

a save.

14:29 Matt Ritchie takes a shot. Ben Hamer makes a save.

13:29 Inswinging corner taken right-footed by Jon-Paul McGovern, Ryan Harley makes a clearance.

13:02 Jonathan Douglas takes a shot. Save by Ben Hamer.

12:12 The referee blows for offside. Phil Smith takes the free kick.

11:31 The official flags Jamie Cureton offside. Phil Smith restarts play with the free kick.

10:47 Matthew Taylor fouled by Thomas Dossevi, the ref awards a free kick. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.

9:36 Matt Ritchie takes a shot.

7:58 Corner taken by Ryan Harley played to the near post, clearance made by Jon-Paul McGovern.

4:53 Matt Ritchie is caught offside. Ben Hamer restarts play with the free kick.

1:32 Matt Ritchie concedes a free kick for a foul on Matthew Taylor. Ben Hamer restarts play with the free kick.

0:17 Matt Ritchie fouled by Liam Sercombe, the ref awards a free kick. The free kick is delivered left-footed by Alan Sheehan from

own half.

0:00 The game gets underway.

Live text and data provided by The Press Association.

Source: BBC Sport

Source: BBC Sport