Visiting goalkeeper Ben Hamer was at his best to keep out efforts from Ritchie and Jonathan Douglas.
Exeter struggled to create many opportunities, but were unlucky when Ryan Harley smashed a 22-yard free-kick against the crossbar.
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Saturday, 29 January 2011
Npower League One
Home Team
Away Team
(HT 0-0)
07?McGovern (Prutton 79)
02?Tully yellow card
03?Duffy (Archibald-Henville 88)
10?Nardiello yellow card
12?Cureton (Thomson 36)
29?O'Flynn (Logan 81)
Swindon 52%
Exeter 48%
Attempts on target
Swindon 3
Exeter 1
Attempts off target
Swindon 4
Exeter 3
Swindon 9
Exeter 5
Swindon 11
Exeter 11
Final Result
Full Time
90:00+3:32 The referee ends the match.
90:00+2:56 David Noble concedes a free kick for a foul on Alan O'Brien. Direct free kick taken by Alan Sheehan.
90:00+1:19 Matt Ritchie is ruled offside. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.
89:31 Booking Steve Tully goes into the referee's book.
87:50 Substitution Troy Archibald-Henville comes on in place of Richard Duffy.
82:35 The referee blows for offside. Phil Smith takes the free kick.
82:10 Foul by Richard Logan on Jonathan Douglas, free kick awarded. Scott Cuthbert takes the direct free kick.
80:10 Substitution (Exeter) makes a substitution, with Richard Logan coming on for John O'Flynn.
79:26 Ryan Harley challenges Scott Cuthbert unfairly and gives away a free kick. Jonathan Douglas takes the free kick.
78:15 Inswinging corner taken left-footed by Michael Timlin from the left by-line, clearance by Matthew Taylor.
78:15 Substitution David Prutton comes on in place of Jon-Paul McGovern.
75:12 Thomas Dossevi is flagged offside by the assistant referee. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.
74:32 Jon-Paul McGovern decides to take the corner short.
72:36 Matt Ritchie has an effort at goal from just inside the box that misses to the right of the target.
71:01 Headed effort from deep inside the penalty area by Thomas Dossevi misses to the right of the target.
69:47 Free kick awarded for a foul by David Noble on Matt Ritchie. The free kick is delivered right-footed by Jon-Paul McGovern
from right channel, clearance made by Matthew Taylor.
68:46 The referee blows for offside. Free kick taken by Kevin Amankwaah.
68:25 The referee blows for offside against Thomas Dossevi. Matthew Taylor takes the direct free kick.
67:36 Ryan Harley decides to take a short corner.
66:27 Matt Ritchie concedes a free kick for a foul on Richard Duffy. Ben Hamer takes the direct free kick.
65:22 Daniel Nardiello is ruled offside. Phil Smith restarts play with the free kick.
62:27 Ryan Harley decides to take the corner short.
61:44 Inswinging corner taken by Jon-Paul McGovern from the left by-line, Ben Hamer makes a save.
60:04 Free kick awarded for a foul by Jonathan Douglas on Jake Thomson. David Noble restarts play with the free kick.
54:14 Ryan Harley takes a inswinging corner from the right by-line played to the near post, clearance by Kevin Amankwaah.
53:46 Ryan Harley takes a shot. Blocked by Andy Frampton.
51:24 Matthew Taylor fouled by Matt Ritchie, the ref awards a free kick. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.
46:48 Jake Thomson gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Alan Sheehan. Andy Frampton takes the direct free kick.
45:27 Jon-Paul McGovern takes the outswinging corner, clearance by Richard Duffy.
45:01 The game restarts for the second half.
Correction - 45:00+4:28 The first half comes to an end.
Half Time
45:00+1:44 The half-time whistle blows.
45:00+0:46 Michael Timlin concedes a free kick for a foul on Liam Sercombe. Ryan Harley takes the direct free kick.
43:29 Unfair challenge on Daniel Nardiello by Andy Frampton results in a free kick. Ryan Harley shoots direct from the free kick,
42:35 Free kick awarded for a foul by Thomas Dossevi on David Noble. Richard Duffy takes the free kick.
41:38 Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Richard Duffy by Thomas Dossevi. Ben Hamer restarts play with the free kick.
40:26 Jake Thomson takes a shot from deep inside the box clearing the bar.
39:15 The offside flag is raised against Kevin Amankwaah. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.
38:50 Corner taken by Matt Ritchie from the left by-line, Matthew Taylor manages to make a clearance.
36:49 Corner taken left-footed by Matt Ritchie to the near post, clearance made by Matthew Taylor.
35:41 Substitution Jake Thomson is brought on as a substitute for Jamie Cureton.
34:41 The official flags Thomas Dossevi offside. Ben Hamer takes the direct free kick.
31:05 Matt Ritchie fouled by Liam Sercombe, the ref awards a free kick. Free kick taken by Phil Smith.
29:09 Unfair challenge on Matt Ritchie by Daniel Nardiello results in a free kick. Free kick taken by Phil Smith.
29:09 Booking Daniel Nardiello goes into the book.
27:55 Matt Ritchie challenges Richard Duffy unfairly and gives away a free kick. Richard Duffy restarts play with the free kick.
27:24 Thomas Dossevi is flagged offside by the assistant referee. Ben Hamer takes the direct free kick.
26:05 Free kick awarded for a foul by Ryan Harley on Jonathan Douglas. Phil Smith takes the direct free kick.
25:22 Michael Timlin has an effort from just inside the box that misses to the left of the goal.
24:41 Corner taken right-footed by Ryan Harley to the near post, Scott Cuthbert manages to make a clearance.
22:35 Outswinging corner taken left-footed by Matt Ritchie, Richard Duffy makes a clearance.
20:47 Liam Sercombe concedes a free kick for a foul on Thomas Dossevi. Direct free kick taken by Alan Sheehan.
18:25 Daniel Nardiello gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Jonathan Douglas. Phil Smith takes the direct free kick.
17:27 Jamie Cureton has a headed effort at goal from just inside the area that misses to the right of the goal.
16:41 John O'Flynn fouled by Alan Sheehan, the ref awards a free kick. Ben Hamer restarts play with the free kick.
14:45 Inswinging corner taken left-footed by Matt Ritchie played to the near post, Jonathan Douglas takes a shot. Ben Hamer makes
a save.
14:29 Matt Ritchie takes a shot. Ben Hamer makes a save.
13:29 Inswinging corner taken right-footed by Jon-Paul McGovern, Ryan Harley makes a clearance.
13:02 Jonathan Douglas takes a shot. Save by Ben Hamer.
12:12 The referee blows for offside. Phil Smith takes the free kick.
11:31 The official flags Jamie Cureton offside. Phil Smith restarts play with the free kick.
10:47 Matthew Taylor fouled by Thomas Dossevi, the ref awards a free kick. Free kick taken by Ben Hamer.
9:36 Matt Ritchie takes a shot.
7:58 Corner taken by Ryan Harley played to the near post, clearance made by Jon-Paul McGovern.
4:53 Matt Ritchie is caught offside. Ben Hamer restarts play with the free kick.
1:32 Matt Ritchie concedes a free kick for a foul on Matthew Taylor. Ben Hamer restarts play with the free kick.
0:17 Matt Ritchie fouled by Liam Sercombe, the ref awards a free kick. The free kick is delivered left-footed by Alan Sheehan from
own half.
0:00 The game gets underway.
Live text and data provided by The Press Association.
Source: BBC Sport
Source: BBC Sport